3 Ways to Make Strip Sets for Simpler Piecing

Save Time and Effort with This Great Technique!
Have you ever looked at a quilt design you like and cringed at the thought of cutting and sewing all of those little pieces together? Strip sets can be a great way to tackle those projects.
Instead of cutting and sewing together small pieces, many quilt units and blocks can be made by sewing strips together. The resulting strip sets are then cut into pieces and incorporated into a quilt.
Strip sets work especially well when you need several units that are the same. To make them, strips of the same or varying widths, typically the width of the fabric in length, are sewn together and then cut apart.
Melissa from Art Gallery Fabrics has created an excellent demonstration showing three ways to create and use strip sets. While she geared her video toward beginning quilters, experienced quilters are sure to learn something too.
As you watch, notice how it’s easy to imagine how the units sub-cut from strip sets can be made into blocks for a quilt. This is a great way to use up leftover strips in your stash and make a scrap quilt of your own design.
Click here to watch the video at YouTube if it doesn’t play on your device.