5 Things That Will Make You a Better Quilter

Great Guidance from a Long-Time Quilter and Instructor!
Unless you quilt purely for the joy of the process (and even then) it’s likely you strive to improve your quilting skills. It seems like there’s always a quilt to aspire to, a technique to master and new designs and color combos to try out.
There are so many things to master in quilting, whether you want to produce award-winning quilts or simply derive satisfaction from each job well done. Mastering basic skills and expanding on them also makes each project go more quickly, allowing you to create more quilts (and work with more of that wonderful fabric!).
Thinking of quilts as a series of experiments and learning from each one will help your skills improve over time. Choosing one thing to learn or improve with each quilt is a good way to expand your skills. Being a member of a quilting group helps too, as their feedback and support can often help you to increase your skills more quickly.
Having a clear outline to guide you helps too. Quilt instructor Ami Simms has been quilting for nearly 40 years and has written a great article to help you focus on five things that will help you become a better quilter. These tips will help you produce better quilts, whether you’re a beginner or have been quilting for years.