All Wrapped Up for Christmas

Super Quick and Easy Quilt for the Holidays!
Looking for something to make with your favorite Christmas fabrics? Then you’ll love the “All Wrapped Up” quilt pattern.
Choose a variety of fabrics to give this quilt its scrappy look. Select from your favorites or choose fat eighths from a particular fabric line.
Photo courtesy of Aunties Quaint Quilts.
Photo courtesy of Aunties Quaint Quilts.
Photo courtesy of Snippets of a Quilter.
Quilt by Sharon Challenger.
This whimsical patchwork quilt only looks complex. It’s comprised of fabric strips and squares. Even the triangular bows are made of square blocks of fabric.
Plus, the fabric pieces are large, so this quilt will sew together quickly. Beginning quilters shouldn’t have any trouble at all completing this quilt.
Photo courtesy of Aunties Quaint Quilts.
The finished quilt designed by Kate Spain is 55″ x 65″ inches. Make it bigger or smaller by adding or deleting rows of “presents”.