Basting Tips for a Better Finished Quilt

Both Pin Basting and Spray Basting Are Covered!
Doing a good job of basting the quilt layers together is an important step in producing a finished quilt without puckering that lays smooth and flat. Yet, it’s easy to rush through the process and achieve less than optimal results.
Fortunately, the most important points, plus several helpful tips, are included in an excellent article by Lindsay Conner. She covers the two most popular basting methods, spray basting and pin basting.
The photo above is from an excellent pin basting tutorial by Faith Jones. Read it here.
There are several other articles and videos referenced in her article that provide more in-depth information. Plus, be sure to read through the comments at the end for more good tips.
Regardless of what basting method you prefer, you’re sure to find ideas there to make the process go more smoothly – and to produce a better finished quilt.
Image Source: The photo at the top of the page is from Fresh Lemons Quilts.