Blue and Yellow Make a Beautiful Quilt

The Intricate Stars Are Easy to Make!
Soft blue, yellow and white are so charming and pretty in this quilt. It makes you smile just to see it, and will be wonderful to cuddle under during chilly weather.
Triangles are used in creative ways to create the interesting design. While you could piece them the traditional way, the instructions are written for paper piecing.
Not only will you get crisp points, you also won’t need to worry about stretchy bias edges with paper piecing. And, once you get on a roll you’re sure to love how easy it is and how quickly the blocks go together.
The finished quilt, designed by Peggy Waltman, is 54 1/2″ x 54 1/2″, perfect for a throw.
You’ll find the pattern for the “Seth’s Stargazing” quilt in Pretty Triangles.
The Boundless Dutch Gardens fabric line will be stunning made up in this quilt. Take a look here.