Create Your Own Version of this Sparkling Quilt

The Pattern is Very Adaptable!
This stunning quilt is created from several star blocks, each in three different sizes. The variety produces a striking quilt you’ll be proud to call your own.
Christmas colors are simply wonderful against a red background. Other colors are just as nice. Have fun combining your favorite colors for your own striking version. We’ve included some examples further down to get you started.
What makes this quilt so unique is that you can choose whichever blocks you prefer to make, and their sizes, along with the number of blocks you want to combine for your own composition. The finished quilt can be whatever size you want it to be.
Some of the blocks are rather complex, so you may want to stay with the simpler versions. Or not. It’s totally up to you. Each block has instructions for 12″, 8″ and 4″ finished blocks.
Quilt by Andrea Kollath.
The instructions for the red version, designed by Sheila from Thought & Found, are presented as a quilt-along. Her quilt is 68″ x 92″. However, it’s easy to make the quilt larger or smaller.
Quilt by Diana Young.
You’ll find the instructions at the following link. We recommend clicking through all of the steps before you begin so you understand how the blocks and the quilt go together. You’ll also find ideas for adjusting the size. This page, which shows how the quilt is laid out, will be helpful in producing a smaller quilt of fewer sections.
Click on a block photo on that page to go to instructions for the block. The cutting sizes are a bit confusing at first. If the block instructions say to cut 6 1/2″ | 4 1/2″ | 2 1/2″ squares, that means you’ll cut 6 1/2″ squares for 12″ blocks, 4 1/2″ squares for 8″ blocks and 2 1/2″ squares for 4″ blocks.
Quilt by Andrea Kollath.
A number of beautiful quilts have been created from Sheila’s design. we’ve sprinkled several throughout this post. You’ll find several more to enjoy here. As you can see, the quilt is wonderful in any color theme and for any season.
Quilt from Grit’s Life.
Quilt by @Weihnachtsquilt.
Quilt by Jennie.
This Quilt Pattern is Beautiful in all sizes and all colors, I’m starting mine this year.