Cut Long Perfectly Straight Strips on a Small Mat

No “Elbows” or Inconsistent Widths!
Have you ever had to cut long strips from a length of fabric on a small mat and found yourself unsure how to proceed? Or, cut a strip that had a V or elbow at the fold and wondered how to prevent it from happening again?
Heather Thomas shows you how to consistently cut perfectly straight long strips in the following video. Her technique is great for borders, bindings and even strip sets.
The secret is to start with fabric that has two ends that are perfectly aligned on the straight of grain. Then, carefully fold the fabric to reduce the size so it fits on your mat.
While she demonstrates how to cut long strips from the length of the fabric (parallel to the salvage) her method also works to produce strips without elbows when cut crosswise. Just fold and position the fabric appropriately for the cuts you want to make.
Click here to watch the video on YouTube if it doesn’t play on your device.