Fabric and Crochet Make a Lovely Quilt

Use These Tutorials to Craft Your Own Unique Quilt!
We instantly fell in love with this beautiful quilt made of fabric and crochet. Square blocks of pieced and quilted fabric are linked with crochet, and then decorated with crocheted flowers at each intersection. Finally, a finishing edge is crocheted around the outside. The completed quilt is wonderfully creative and just plain gorgeous.
There is not an exact pattern available, but those experienced in both quilting and crochet shouldn’t have any trouble creating a similar quilt.
The quilt is showcased on The Green Dragonfly, and they provide tutorials for the various pieces of this project.
A nice tutorial for combining the fabric squares with crochet is found on Quilting Board. Be sure to skim through the comments for additional information.
Lisa Auch has a nice tutorial for making 3-layer blossoms from crochet.
Combine your love of quilting and crochet and soon you’ll have a wonderfully unique quilt of your own!