Learn How to Machine Quilt Your Quilts

Excellent Walking Foot and Free Motion Instructions – Plus Quilt Patterns!
Are you a beginning quilter and not quite sure how to machine quilt your projects? Or are you an experienced quilter who typically sends your tops out for quilting? Enjoy the satisfaction of doing your own machine quilting with these excellent instructions.
Pat Sloan’s book, Teach Me to Machine Quilt: Learn the Basics of Walking Foot and Free-Motion Quilting, does a wonderful job of teaching the basics. Pat has broken every part of the process down into easy, clearly explained steps.
“Checkerboard Hearts” – 47 1/2″ square.
She covers everything, from the tools you’ll need, how to create backings, mark your quilts, and baste them, to the machine quilting itself. Tips are provided for every aspect – and a link in the book goes to bonus videos for additional helpful information.
“Dresden Candy Dish” – 15 1/2″ square.
Plus, there are quilt projects included for both walking-foot and free-motion quilting. There are several we’d like to make ourselves.
“Blue Lagoon” – 64 1/2″ x 72 1/2″.
In fact, the book is a great pattern resource even if you’re already an accomplished machine quilter. We’ve included a few of our favorites here.
“Mini Charm Star” – 28 1/2″ square.
We especially appreciate Pat’s wonderful tips. We love her suggestion to create a batting sampler book to keep for reference (with both quilted and unquilted samples). There are many more great tips sprinkled throughout the book.
“Cherry Pie” – 65 1/2″ x 81 1/2″.
This is one of the best books we’ve seen about machine quilting. Everything you need to know is covered.