Make a Stunning Quilt from Men’s Shirts

Coordinate the Colors or go Full On Scrappy!
Easy stars made from thrift store shirts produce a wonderfully soft and cozy quilt. This will be a great gift for a man in your life or create one for yourself.
Select shirts of various colors for a more scrappy look. Or coordinate the colors for a controlled scrap quilt. The beauty of using old men’s shirts, beside the low cost, is that plaids and stripes add texture and interest to the finished quilt.
The pattern, from Bonnie Hunter, is super easy to make. In fact, she says “This is probably the easiest star quilt you can ever make.”
Quilt by Rebecca.
Select your shirts, cut them apart (don’t bother to undo the seams – just cut them off) and have fun creating your own version of this wonderful quilt.
Quilt by Meineke. Notice the beautiful piano key border.
Quilt by tron80.
The finished quilt is about 64″ x 72″. Adjust the size by adding or deleting blocks or playing with border widths.