Pretty Cutlery Pockets Aren’t Just for the Holidays

Make Them Up in Fabric for Any Time of Year!
Dress up your holiday table with sweet little pockets for the silverware. This is a lovely idea for a buffet or for setting on top of each plate at the table.
These quick pockets are handy for picnics, too, as they will prevent plastic silverware from blowing around. Or, embroidery names across the lower half for place settings (and personalized gifts) at baby and bridal showers, luncheons and more.
Colorful Christmas fabrics and rick rack make them perfect for the holidays. Or, choose pretty fabrics for any special occasion and for use all through the year.
Get the table runner tutorial (shown above) here.
Plus, they’re quick and easy to make. You can have several finished up in just a few hours.
The pockets were designed by Anorina at Samelia’s Mum.