Quickly Bury Quilting Thread Ends as You Go

These Tips Make it Quick and Easy!
Do you leave the job of burying machine quilting threads to the very end? A more efficient way is to bury them as you go (learn more about burying threads here).
Not only do you avoid having a big tedious task to complete once you’re done quilting, loose threads won’t become tangled and frayed if they’re buried right when you cut them.
Beth from Cooking Up Quilts has two great suggestions for burying threads as you go.
First, she keeps a needle handy for doing the job with magnetic tape affixed to her machine (see tape options here). There’s no need to hunt for a needle or sort through a pincushion.
Secondly, she uses a self-threading needle to make the job go quickly (Clover self-threading needles can be found here). Just snap the thread into the needle, bury it and move on.
Learn more about Beth’s method at the following link.
Image Source: The photo at the top of the page is from “Finishing From Cutting to Binding: How to Machine Quilt.”