Quilts as Tablecloths – Here’s How

Yes, Go Ahead and Enjoy Quilts on Your Table!
Quilts are meant to be lived with and used, right? But what about quilts as tablecloths? The chances for spills and stains are greater, but quilts made specifically for this purpose aren’t heirlooms, and therefore a little stain here or there shouldn’t matter, right? Especially if you use dark fabrics, which easily hide stains.
There are other factors to consider as well, when creating a quilt to be used as a tablecloth. First, choose simple quilt patterns that show off nicely patterned fabrics (less work, and the better to camouflage stains). Also, make sure the quilt lays flat, without lumps where seams meet, so there’s less chance of a glass tipping.
In this informative video, Laura from Sew Very Easy displays several quilts she made specifically for use as tablecloths. She describes how to iron seams, what to use for backing, whether or not to use batting (and if so, what kind), how to remove stains, and several other things that allow her to use quilts on her table without them being ruined.
As Laura says, quilt tablecloths make her happy, so of course she eats on them – and you can too!