Simple Solutions for Problems with Pre-Cuts

Ever Get a Pack of Pre-Cuts That’s “Off”? Here’s Help!
Pre-cuts, those wonderful packets of fabric already cut to size, can save a lot of cutting time. Plus, they usually contain some of every fabric in a fabric line and therefore are already color coordinated. Pre-cuts are a nice way to inexpensively extend the selection in your stash and to save time selecting fabric for a project.
The mostly commonly used pre-cuts are jelly roll strips (2 1/2″ wide), charm squares (5″ square) and layer cakes squares (10″ square). Many quilt patterns have been designed specifically for pre-cuts.
Boundless Dutch Garden Precut Fabric (no longer available).
However, working with pre-cuts can present some challenges. There are three common problems that quilters might face:
- being thrown off by the pinked edges when trying to get a 1/4″ seam
- the pre-cuts are not the correct size or are crooked
- the fabric was not cut on the grain
Fortunately, these issues can usually be overcome without too much extra effort. The following article offers solutions and several more tips for working with pre-cuts.
Pre-cuts can be washed to prevent bleeding and shrinking. Learn how here.
You’ll find additional tips for working with pre-cuts here.
Image Source: the photo at the top of the page is from Little Lady Patchwork.