Stunning Murals Depict Passing Down Knowledge

A Quilt is the Perfect Symbol!
Quilters have long used their medium to pass skills and knowledge to younger generations. That makes a quilt the perfect symbol for intergenerational learning.
“Holding Grandmother’s Quilt” is a series of two murals in Philadelphia, PA that evokes the concept of sharing skills and knowledge across generations. The quilt seems to flow under the buildings to the children on the other side.
While they can be interpreted as passing down the legacy of quilting, the murals also evoke the transfer of skills and knowledge of many kinds. The beauty of elders sharing their knowledge with young people is evident in the wonderful creations.
The mural commemorates the work of long-time community member Miss Jones and forms the backdrop for a community park developed from an empty lot.
Learn more about these stunning murals, including their location, here.
These murals are breathtaking. And thank you for highlighting the art form of quilting. Whether it be machine or hand quilting it truly is art in textiles.
Again, ☺️ thank again,
Rose Rodzos
Such beautiful work with an awesome meaning.
This is an awesome presentation of what rural America was so long ago. Thank God for the mothers and grandmothers when trying to stretch the budget would use old clothes, hand me downs, etc. to cut, piece and quilt in order to keep their family warm during the fridged winter nights. Amazing quilts will forever be used and needed. I’m grateful for the quilters that brought the craft into this generation.