Take Wing with This Paper Pieced Butterfly

Make Your Own Stunning Mini Quilt!
Awhile back Southern Fabric posted the most amazing butterfly quilt block on their Facebook page. The quilter, Rach H of Family Ever After, had shared her project while it was still in process.
This paper pieced butterfly caused quite a stir on Facebook. The rich colors are fabulous and pieced to perfection. It was easy to see how wonderful it was going to be when finished.
On her website, Rach H tells us about her stunning butterfly:
A few months ago, I came across the most amazing paper pieced butterfly on instagram (check out @lillyellasworld). My thoughts were exactly as follows: “That is so gorgeous. But I could never make anything like that.”
When I catch myself thinking like that, or get too intimidated to try something, that’s when I know I’m not living my life the way I like to.IF YOU AIM AT NOTHING, YOU WILL HIT IT EVERY TIME.I don’t like to get so comfortable that I never try new things or challenge myself to reach big goals. So when I start to get discouraged, I try very hard to turn my weaknesses into strengths. I had the same attitude before running a half marathon a few years ago. So I decided that somehow I would figure out how to make this butterfly, even in the midst of a big move and a busy summer!
We were delighted when Southern Fabric followed up and shared the finished mini quilt. By stepping outside of her comfort zone and trying something new, Rach H produced a stunning (and very inspiring!) little quilt.
It’s just as spectacular as we imagined it would be!
Visit Family Ever After to see how the block was put together. You’ll also find some great pictures of the back of the quilt, which is just as interesting as the front!
This picture shows the back of half of the block once the paper is removed.
Learn more about paper piecing in this tutorial. The project is different but helpful tips you’ll find there can be used with the butterfly block, as well.
The designer of the block below, @lillyellasworld, used summery fabrics in her version, which we also love.
The following version was made by @heavenlyq5624703 from batiks.
Challenge yourself, like Rach H did, to try something that seems a little out of reach. We bet you’ll produce something great for having done so – and image how good that’s going to feel!
The finished quilt is 24” x 15″.