This Bermuda Sunrise Quilt is a Stunning Use of Scraps

A Great Pattern for Playing with Fabric and Design!
We love how certain quilts almost seem like optical illusions. By careful placement of light and dark fabrics the overall patterns emerge.
That effect is especially intriguing when the lights and darks are close in value, as they are in this quilt (value relates to how light or dark something is – think of a gray scale).
The “Bermuda Sunrise” quilt would be so much fun to play with on your design wall. The overall look of the quilt will vary greatly depending on the fabrics chosen.
The important thing to remember is to keep a distinct difference in value between the light, medium and dark fabrics. The closer in value those three are, the more subtle the overall design will be.
Dig into your fabric scraps and stash and choose a large variety of fabrics for this quilt. The more fabrics used, the more interesting it will be. If you prefer a patchwork look, choose quite light fabrics for the lights to emphasize the overall design.
Quilt by Deb Sutton.
The “Bermuda Sunrise” pattern by Frog Hollow Designs comes with layout options. The finished quilt is 54″ x 54″. It’s perfect for a large wall, table, or draping over a sofa or chair.