This Charming Block is Great for Scraps

The Block’s Name is Just as Cute as the Block!
This cute and playful block goes by many names, including Bear Paw. In this variation, the easy nine-patch construction creates a unique look for a traditional block. And how can you resist making a block that’s called Duck’s Foot in the Mud?
It’s a great block for scraps or use a coordinated color theme. Either way, the block will produce a charming quilt with many layout options.
Plus, this could be a great leaders-and-enders bonus quilt project. Whether you do the half-square triangles or the entire block this way, you’ll want to have it all organized before you start.
Here are two of several possible quilt layouts.
Blocks combined without sashing create beautiful stars.
Blocks combined with sashing and cornerstones.
Elaine Huff from Fabric 406 has provided an excellent block tutorial and several quilt layout options. The completed block is 13.5″.