Turn Any Block Into a Pretty Octagon Table Topper

Instructions Are Provided for the Block Too!
This pretty table mat is made from one block turned into an octagon with the addition of borders. It’s a simple technique to add the borders and will work with any square quilt block.
The designer started with a 9 1/2″ unfinished block and cut strips for the borders that are the same width as those used to make the four-patches in the corners of the stars. For other blocks choose an element in the blocks and make the border strips the same width.
Of course, this table topper will be lovely in any color theme, and in prints for any season. This is a great project for orphan blocks you already have on hand and will make a lovely gift.
A color variation created in Photoshop.
Watch as Beth Shibley shows how to make the borders in the following video.
Click here to watch the video at YouTube if it doesn’t play on your device.
Layer the top with batting and backing and quilt as desired. The completed table mat is about 15 1/2″ across.
Beth also provides a demo for making the star block. Watch as she shows you how the block is made in the following video. The 9 1/2″ unfinished blocks can be used in many types of projects.
Click here to watch the video at YouTube if it doesn’t play on your device.