Two Easy Blocks Make Beautiful Flowers

Coordinate the Colors or Go Scrappy!
Two easy blocks combine to make pretty flowers in this charming quilt. It’s a simple quilt to make and one you’re sure to enjoy for years to come.
Since it’s made from a pack of 10″ squares, the colors are already coordinated for you. However, you can just as easily make this from leftovers in your stash, giving it your own unique color combination.
Quilt by Mary Bradshaw.
Found on Pinterest. No other info provided.
Scrappy version by Laura Alfonzo and quilted by Kathy Schulz.
In the following video tutorial, Jenny Doan from the Missouri Star Quilt Co. shows you how to put this quilt together.
Click here to watch the video at YouTube if it doesn’t play on your device.
The finished quilt is 74″ x 89″.
Here’s the yardage you’ll need to make the quilt.
Click here for a written transcript of the video.