Enjoy This Beautiful Quilt for Many Years to Come

Choose Colors and Fabric Styles to Make It Your Own!
The lovely combination of colors in this quilt is what first caught our eye. Our attention was held by the beautiful block design and the graceful applique around the outside edges. It’s an engaging quilt that we’ll never grow tired of enjoying.
The version shown here was made by Dallas Quilt Guild Members for their 2010 raffle quilt. We have since found similar quilts made from the same pattern.
The designer, Nancy Mahoney, has a Flickr page that show blocks in several other color themes. They’re all beautiful, but we may like this one best (today, anyway!).
Look through Nancy’s Flickr page for more inspiration. There are some lovely finished quilts there too.
Fortunately, the pattern is still available. The quilt, which finishes at 76″ x 94″, appeared in the July/August 2009 issue of Love of Quilting.