Fabric Folded Star Ornaments

A Beautiful Decoration for Any Time of Year!
Simple folded paper stars have been used for Christmas ornaments and other occasions for generations. We think of them as Scandinavian but they’re popular in many European countries and elsewhere.
Now we can make the same stars from fabric. Each star can be all one color, or make them extra festive by choosing multiple colors as shown here.
Choose Christmas fabrics, solids, batiks, or anything that strikes your fancy. The resulting stars will be lovely on your tree, decorating gifts or hung throughout the house.
Completed ornaments are often available from the designer here.
String several together for a garland, hang colorful stars in a baby’s room, and make them up in pretty pastels for spring. There’s so much you can do with these easy ornaments throughout the year.
The pattern, from Hudson Trader, is for a 4 1/2″ star.