Get Better Results When Stitching in the Ditch

Follow the Seam More Accurately with These Tips!
It’s often recommended that quilters start out machine quilting by stitching in the ditch. It’s a relatively simple process that allows the piecing and fabric to star while the quilting falls into the background. It’s also a technique that you’re likely to use many times during your quilting career.
The “ditch” is where two fabrics meet in a seam. Stitching in the ditch means stitching right along that join, right in the space between the two pieces of fabric.
In the following video Rob from Man Sewing demonstrates the basics of stitching in the ditch with your walking foot.
Click here to view the video at YouTube if it doesn’t play on your device.
When done properly, you almost can’t see the quilting because it hugs the seams. However, stitching in the ditch requires careful placement in order to fall where it should.
In the next video, Ashley Hough shows how a special stitch-in-the-ditch foot can help you stitch more accurately.
Click here to view the video at YouTube if it doesn’t play on your device.
Whether you’re just starting out or having been quilting for awhile, being able to accurately stitch in the ditch is a good skill to have in your quilter’s toolbox.
My favorite T-shirt is an orange color with President Obama artwork and says ‘progress’ on the bottom. Love it.