How to Bind a Quilt Entirely by Machine

This Method Allows for Decorative Touches, Too!
Do you dislike hand sewing the binding onto a quilt? Or, do you need to get a quilt bound and finished quickly? This technique is perfect, as you can complete the binding entirely by machine with neat stitches appearing on the front.
In the video below, Jenny, from the Missouri Star Quilt Co., walks you through the process step by step. Since you’ll do the final bit of stitching from the front of the quilt it’s easy to line the stitching up so it looks just right.
Machine bound quilt using a straight stitch for the last line of stitching. The photo is from an excellent written tutorial from Bloomin’ Workshop.
In fact, you could make that last row of stitches nearly invisible by using clear thread. Sew right next to the binding with a narrow blind hem stitch that jumps over to grab the binding.
Or, add decorative touches by stitching in lace or trim, like the jumbo rick rack shown in the video. You can also use decorative stitches to sew down the binding, like Jenny does.
Jenny likes to use The Binding Tool, but you won’t need to if you’ve already mastered that step of the process (you’ll find it here).
Whether you’re new to quilting or not, this is a great binding method to keep in mind, and one that offers many creative options!
Click here to watch the video at YouTube if it doesn’t play on your device.