How to Quilt with Decorative Stitches

Your Walking Foot is Perfect for This Technique!
You may have seen and admired modern Crazy Quilts embellished with decorative stitches. But, have you considered adding a bit of that special flavor by quilting with them?
It’s really quite easy to do once you understand the basics. In the following video, Jacquie Gering demonstrates how to set up your machine so decorative stitches work with the walking foot.
Quilt from Sew Fresh Quilts.
But what stitch do you choose? Watch as Jacquie explains how she discovers good stitches for quilting. We love how she created a Stitch Journal for reference.
If the video doesn’t play on your device click here to view it at YouTube.
Depending on what stitches are on your machine, you can add simple curves or something more fancy to your quilt. Even some utility stitches are beautiful when used for quilting.
Quilted with a utility blind stitch.
Image from Pinterest.
Photo from Brother USA.
Photo from Quilt Social.
Photo from Crinkly Quilts.
Quilt by Jane Sassman. See more here and watch the video where she talks about quilting with decorative stitches.
Image Source: The image at the top of the page is from Sew Fresh Quilts. A serpentine stitch was used for the quilting.