Old Denim Makes a Wonderful Stained Glass Quilt

The Design Will be Lovely in Quilting Cottons, Too!
This versatile pattern is so interesting made up with pieces cut from old jeans found at the thrift store. Quilting cotton is great, too, in colors that play up the stained glass effect. Or, make a memory quilt from pants and shirts.
Denim of any color is wonderful with black sashing. Or, change the sashing from black to an accent color. Mix denim colors or keep them all the same. You’ll have fun designing your own special quilt from this pattern.
Quilt by Alicia Wells.
Quilt by Alicia Wells.
Quilt by Alicia Wells.
Cotton patches mixed with denim are stunning.
Quilt by Alicia Wells.
Quilt by Alicia Wells.
Colorful quilting cottons are also wonderful made up in this pattern.
Quilt by Alicia Wells.
See more examples of quilts made from this pattern here.
The pattern is from Lucy’s Quilts. Instructions are provided for two sizes, although it will be easy to adapt the size to fit your needs:
- 52″ X 56″
- 60″ X 80″