Pretty Storage for Crochet Hooks and Other Small Things

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Vary The Width of the Pockets to Fit!

A lovely piece of fabric and a handkerchief were used to make this pretty storage pocket for crochet hooks. It’s a wonderful gift for yourself and for anyone you know who crochets. Choose a beautiful fabric and go from there.

Vary the width of the pockets to store other things you want to keep handy. It will be lovely for rotary cutters and other small tools. Or, use Christmas fabric and make two pockets of the same width to hold Christmas cards.

Crochet Hook Holder

You’re sure to think of other uses for this pretty little holder as well. For example, make the pockets taller for storing knitting needles.

Jenny of Elefantz does not provide exact instructions but she does explain how hers was made in a way that makes this project easy to duplicate. The holder is about 10″ x 12″.

Hers is hung from a mini quilt hanger, although a dowel will work too.

Click here for a nice selection of quilt hangers.

Click here for pretty handkerchiefs.

Click here for “Make a simply sweet home for your crochet hooks…”



PLEASE NOTE: Quilting Digest has featured many patterns from vendors participating in the Craftsy Marketplace, most of which have been deleted by Craftsy. It's going to take awhile for us to hunt down new sources for those patterns. In the meantime there are many links to patterns on our site that no longer work. We apologize if this article contains one or more of those links and appreciate your patience while we straighten things out. Thank you!

PLEASE NOTE: Quilting Digest does not sell or otherwise provide patterns directly. We showcase patterns and projects from various vendors, bloggers and other sources. Please make a note of where you access a pattern (the link in the yellow box toward the end of each Quilting Digest article). That way you can contact Support for that source if you have downloading problems or other issues. Thank you!


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