Protect Your Ironing Board from Fusible Web

You May Already Have Some of This in Your Sewing Room or Kitchen!
One of the drawbacks of fusible applique is that it’s all too easy to get residue from the fusible web on your ironing board. Over time the adhesive can turn your board cover into a stained mess.
A teflon pressing sheet, such as the June Tailor Non Stick Pressing Sheet, is a great solution. You can place it on the ironing board, then fold it over the pieces you’re fusing and protect the iron too. Any residue that adheres to the sheet can be easily removed.
But what if you don’t have a pressing sheet, or want to use fusible web with a larger project?
The following video shows how to use freezer paper instead (no, the wax from the paper will not build up on your ironing board cover).
It’s a quick and easy way to protect your ironing board and can create a large protected surface. Watch the quick video to see how it’s done.
Click here to watch the video at YouTube if it doesn’t play on your device.
Parchment paper!