Review This Before Heading to the Repair Shop!
If you’ve been sewing for long you’re likely at some point to have had your machine go haywire. Most issues can be handled at home, however it helps to know where to begin – and when to give up and head to the repair shop.
Fortunately, many issues are easy to diagnose and fix. An excellent article by Annabelle Short for Wunderlabel cover 17 common problems.

Be sure to look through the article for clues where to begin with diagnosing the problems your machine is having.
Click here for the “17 Common Sewing Machine Problems and How To Solve Them” article.

Nearly perfect tension.
A second article, by Annette from She’s a Sewing Machine Mechanic, goes further into detail, especially with tension issues.
Click here for the “What To Check Before Taking Your Machine To The Shop” article.

From Swiss Miss.
Finally, check our “Quick Fixes for 11 Common Sewing Machine Issues” article for more ideas.
Click here for the “Quick Fixes for 11 Common Sewing Machine Issues” article.
Between these three articles and your sewing machine manual you should be able to handle just about anything your machine throws your way – and know when you need to head to the repair shop.
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