These Fabric Photo Frames Are So Pretty

They Make Wonderful Gifts!
These fabric photo frames are so pretty and can be displayed in many ways. Hang them on a wall, add hanging loops and turn them into ornaments, or even add magnets to the backs and display them on the fridge.
They make wonderful gifts and can easily slide into envelopes for mailing. Or affix them to the tops of wrapped gifts or tuck them into stockings.
Select photos and more for the centers. Baby photos are great for parents and grandparents. Family pets are also wonderful, as are your favorite family and group photos.
By C McEwan.
The pattern includes a printable of holiday messages to slide into the frames. They can be left there indefinitely or switched with photos by the frame recipients. For other occasions, find a print to substitute so that the recipient understands that it’s a photo frame.
The frames are simple to make from small scraps, heavyweight stabilizer, rickrack, and glue.
Once completed, the frames designed by Ayumi from Pink Penguin are about 5 3/8″ wide.