These Project Bags Are So Handy
They’re Easier to Make Than You Might Think!
Keep the parts for various projects together in one place with see-through project bags. Since you can tell at a glance what’s inside they’re handy for so many things around the house, not just for sewing projects.
Choose pretty fabric for the accent pieces and lining, and mini charm squares (2 1/2″) for the patchwork on the back. You can also use 5″ charm squares cut to size or cut your own squares from scraps.
Or, for a quicker finish skip the piecing and use a nice piece of fabric instead. That will allow you to make several bags in just a few hours.
Heavy vinyl is used for the front. Don’t let that or the zipper put you off. Excellent instructions show you exactly how to put these bags together. They’re far easier than you might expect. Just be sure to use clips instead of pins so you don’t end up with holes in the vinyl.
The designer,
says:“You can find the vinyl at any of the big fabric stores. It’s the clear vinyl that is typically used as a table cover/protector. It will be sold on a long roll (not on a fabric bolt), and I’ve generally found it by the home decor fabrics.”
The finished bags are 12″ x 12″.