This Quilt is Pretty in Colors for Any Season

It’s An Easy Project Too!
Brighten your home for spring or any time of the year with this quick and easy quilt. It will be lovely on a wall or table, draped over the sofa for use as a lap quilt, or given to new parents for a baby quilt or play mat.
The quilt is easy to make and a relatively quick project that’s charming in any color theme. Choose a combination of colors you enjoy or go with prints for any season. For example, it’s easy to imagine the quilt in Christmas colors and the deep, rich hues of autumn.
While you can cut your own squares, save time by using 5″ charm squares. Speed fabric selection by featuring a fabric line or by making a scrappy version of the quilt using leftovers from your stash. Add one yard of white or another neutral to set off the squares.
The quilt by Amy Latta is about 41” square.