Turn Leaders and Enders Into a Lovely Pillow

Or Finish It Off Into a Mini Quilt!
This charming pillow was made from leftovers from another project. It’s a great example of how even scraps can be turned into something wonderful.
Notice in the closeup how both machine quilting and hand quilting with perle cotton add definition and interest. While it may be unexpected to see both in one project, it’s a wonderful finish for this beautiful pillow top.
The top could also be finished as a small quilt for a table or wall. Plus, you can make it any size you want. Just adjust the number of blocks.
The pillow started out as a leader and ender project. The designer, Anorina from Samelia’s Mum, kept a basket of squares and triangles by the machine to use as leaders and enders while sewing other projects (learn more about leaders and enders here). This is a beautiful example of how those often discarded bits can be turned into something wonderful.
While there are no exact instructions for making the pillow, the following article explains how to make the blocks.
Learn more about how the blocks were turned into a 20″ square pillow here.