A Mix of Star Blocks Make a Charming Quilt

Your Favorite Colors Will be Lovely in This Quilt!
Six different star blocks make up this beautiful quilt (12 blocks total). The soft colors are lovely and will look great in any room of your house.
More vivid fabrics would be gorgeous too.
We also love the colors used in this version by Patty’s Sewing Center.
Whatever colors you choose, the end result is sure to be an utterly charming quilt. Start with a great print for the border, then select colors that match it.
The pattern, from It’s So Emma, is easy to stitch together. While it looks complex, there is no tricky piecing involved.
The finished quilt is 62 1/2″ x 76 1/2″. You can easily adjust the size by adding or omitting blocks. Four blocks with borders would be a lovely wall, table or baby quilt.
This quilt was originally a block of the month club offering. The full pattern is now available for much less than what the club cost.
Happy to join you.