Connect Binding Ends Perfectly with This Easy Method

The Binding Will Fit and Lie Flat!
Do you struggle with connecting binding ends when finishing a quilt? This method by Marci Baker does not require any special tools and, according to Marci, works perfectly every time.
She calls it the “Twist and Shout” method because the secret is a twist that will make you shout “because it always works”. You start by placing a pin right at the 1/4″ seam line through a few threads of both of the binding ends. Then you twist.
Marci demonstrates the process in the following video. One tip we appreciate is pinning the quilt together so it stays out of the way as you’re working on the binding ends.
Click here to watch the video at YouTube if it doesn’t play on your device.
A written transcript is available in the description below the video at this link.