Create Better Small Quilts with These Tips

Keep These in Mind When Working on Mini Quilts, Too!
Mini quilts, whether they’re table runners, toppers or for the wall, are immensely popular, and for good reason. Small quilt projects are nice breaks between larger quilts, and they provide great opportunities to try something new.*
Plus, the quick finish that a small quilt provides leaves you feeling very productive. That’s a nice boost that can keep you going on a larger project that you may be growing weary of.
Small quilts also make lovely gifts. And, they provide pops of color throughout the house.
Experiment with quilting designs, color choices and piecing techniques on small quilts. The time outlay is minor in comparison to larger projects, making them perfect skill-building projects.
Mini quilts do present some challenges, however. Because they’re small, and tend to have smaller pieces, it’s extra important to cut and sew accurately for good results.
Image found on Jedi Craft Girl.
There are other things to keep in mind, also. Sherri from A Quilting Life has written a great article full of tips for creating mini quilts. She also provides ideas for hanging and displaying them.
You’ll find more helpful information in our “Tips for Piecing Small and Mini Quilt Blocks” article. Access it here.
*In this article we’re treating small and mini quilts the same, although mini quilts often have smaller pieces than some small quilts do. The tips are helpful with either type of quilt.