How to Fold a Quilt to Minimize Creases

This Handy Tip Will Also Extend the Life of Your Quilts!
If you’ve quilted for long, you probably have several quilts in view around your home. You may even have some tucked away for switching out with those on display. When you pull a folded quilt out of storage it’s very likely to have stubborn creases along the fold lines.
Have you ever noticed how hard it is to get creases out of a quilt that has been folded for any length of time? The problem is that folding a quilt can cause the fabric fibers to start breaking down along the fold line. That’s why conservators recommend refolding stored quilts regularly.
One way to avoid creases is to roll quilts around something like pool noodles (learn more here). However, there are times when only folding will do, whether it’s for for storage, display or shipping.
Fortunately, creases, and fabric breakdown, can be prevented by folding quilts on the bias. The fabric will stretch a bit when folded on the bias, rather than starting to break down.
In the following video, Margaret Leuwen demonstrates how to do that. You don’t need to follow her exact folding pattern, as long as you keep the folds on the bias.
Click here to watch the video at YouTube if it doesn’t play on your device.
loved the video thanks please do more
Great tip, for folding!!!
Great info I just was folding a quilt
Great info. I was just folding a quilt for shipping.
Thank you so much i have long time issues with folding!
This is great info!
Great video Margaret Leuwen!
Never knew this! Tanks for the demo!
I appreciate your idea for folding on the bias & plan to do all of mine that way tomorrow morning.
I roll mine on a pool noodle that is first lined with an old sheet
Great tip. Thanks. Will definitely use this.
Love this idea. I did mine of a bias( not exactly as your idea) but with the front out to display. I rotate my grandmothers quilts in one of my bedrooms away from sunlight. Had a hard time with the size to fit on my ladder. Will re fold them with your help. Thank you
Great information. Thank you.
Thank you for the great tip.
Thank you so much for sharing this
Thank you! First time to know how to fold a quilt!
Great tip. will fold mine like this.
I love the bias idea. I also try to make a “pillow” case for each quilt to protect whatever ends up being the outer side when it is stored.
Great information on folding a quilt…have never seen this done…thank you a million!
Great tip. Thank you
I generally roll mine up on ‘swim noodles” – but might give this a try too – would take up a lot less room
Thank you for the great idea! I have folded mine different in the past, but will going back and folding on the bias!
Is it the bias of the fabric that is important, or the diagonal of the quilt? For example, if blocks are set on point (and the fabric bias now is straight across the quilt) would you still fold diagonally to the overall quilt? Thanks!
Good question! It’s the bias that’s important. If the majority of the quilt is structured with the bias running horizontally and/or vertically then I’d fold the quilt end to end and side to side. You want the folds to be along the bias, not the straight grain.
I learned something new today watching your video. thank you for sharing.
I have a quilt rack to display the quilts my mother made, all done by hand on quilting frames. I fold them differently all the time. I want to enjoy them not put in a closet.
Thank you! Good to know.
Thank you – am going to do so.
Thank you! Learned something new today.
Thank you, Thank you!! I’m pulling out all of my quilts that are in a large storage ottoman and refolding them right now!! Such a simple and great solution!! Again, thank you!
Thank you for the great tip! I mail so many quilts to family and now I will do it your way!
Thank you for the folding tip! I will give this a try.
Never thought of folding it like that. A real space-saver!
Wow, never thought about folding this way. I’m refolding mine! Thank you!!
thanks for your neat folding tip for quilts
I have never seen a quilt folded that way. Thank you for the great video and lesson on Folding A Quilt.
Thanks for the great video, I think I will get my quilts out and do some refolding.
Learned something valuable today! My quilts were always creased along the vertical fold lines,. Thank you for this video!
I do a similar method of this, and have been folding quilts on the bias for several years! This is a great tip! Thank you.
Great tip! Thanks for sharing. I will definitely do this when storing my quilts.
Thank you! Just what I’ve been looking for.
Love the tip on folding
Now I have to go and refold my quilts. Thanks for the video
I spread mine out on an unused bed. When company comes if they sleep thy help move them. We always enjoy moving and looking.
Thanks for video. Would not have thought of doing it that way
Thank you so much, I have never given it a thought about folding on the bias.
Thank you for your tips. I plan to ref old my quilts.
Thanks! I have a bunch of antique quilts so I’ll refold them as you’ve shown.
Thank you so much for sharing this. I never thought of folding it on the bias. Thanks again.
Great tip ! Thanks so much for sharing..
Thanks…..great tip!
So glad to get this tip on bias folding of my quilts. Will surely do that. I assume we need to keep refolding them on bias starting in a different corner. Thanks
Thanks for the great tip on folding to ensure the integrity of the quilt.
Thank you for your idea. I will be gifting a quilt next week and was worried about creasing. I certainly will try this technique 😊
Thanks for the great tip!
Always love demonstrations. I can see and understand what you are saying. Thank you for sharing!