How to Remove Creases and Store Fusible Interfacing

Keep a Fusible Useable to the Last Piece!
Have you ever come across a creased piece of fusible interfacing hidden in your stash and been tempted to toss it? Don’t. It can probably be saved, whether you’re dealing with a wrinkled mess or an interfacing (or other fusible) with heavy creases from folds.
Colleen G Lea shows how in the video below. All you need is parchment paper and an iron set to a very low setting so you don’t melt the glue.
Click here to watch the video at YouTube if it doesn’t play on your device.
Once your interfacing is smooth and crease-free, it pays to establish a method for storing interfacing and other fusibles.
Susan Flemming from Super Mom No Cape has a great system that’s easy to put in place. She wraps interfacing around wrapping paper rolls (pools noodles should work too).
Smaller scraps can be stored in ziplock bags. Be sure to mark everything so you can easily find the correct type and weight of fusible interfacing when you need it.
Learn more about Susan’s method at the following link. You’ll find more ideas in the comments below her article.
Water-soluable interfacings and stabilizers may not handle humidity well. Be sure to store them in airtight containers.
You’ll find more storage tips in these threads at Pattern Review and Quilting Board.