How to Sew Perfectly Straight for a Crisp, Flat Top

Even Minor Variations Along a Seam Can Lead to Problems!
Quilt blocks and tops go together so much better when you’re able to sew a consistent 1/4″ seam. Otherwise, you may find yourself having to do a lot of fiddling to get everything to fit together properly.
Then, once the top is together, you may find areas that just simply won’t lay flat. While good pressing can help, inconsistent seams will never lead to a flat, crisp top and a polished finished quilt.
By now you’ve probably seen several tips on how to sew a 1/4″ seam.
But are you able to sew straight?
Even minor variations along a seam can cause problems with fitting a quilt top together and can adversely affect the look of the finished quilt.
In the following video you’ll find several good tips for getting the straightest possible seams. Both beginning and experienced quilters will appreciate them, even if they just serve as a refresher.
Click here to view the video in YouTube if it doesn’t play on your device.
Photo credit: The photo at the top of the page is from Sew Fresh Quilts.