How to Square Up Quilt Blocks That Can’t be Trimmed

Block Them into the Perfect Size!
If you’ve been quilting for long you surely know how important it is to ensure that all the blocks are square and the same size so they’ll go together neatly. That’s where trimming comes in.
But sometimes a block can’t be easily squared up by trimming. It may be a tad too short on one side or you’ll lose triangle points when trimming.
In those cases blocking is a great option. The process involves coaxing a block into square, steam pressing or spraying it, and then allowing it to dry in the correct shape.
The addition of moisture relaxes the fibers and allows the block to settle into a perfectly squared-up shape. It will retain that shape while the top is pieced, layered, and quilted as long as it doesn’t get wet (and, it won’t matter much once the blocks are sewn together).
In the following video Laura from Sew Very Easy shows you three ways to block a quilt block. One of them is sure to be just right for you.
If the video does not play on your device click here to view it at YouTube.
Of course, this only works with blocks that are slightly off. Large differences in length between the sides can only be fixed by ripping and re-sewing. Even so, this is a great technique to have in your quilting toolbox and one you may find yourself using now and then.