Large Blocks Make an Impressive Quilt

Play with the Design to Make Your Own Version!
Giant 24″ blocks make short work of this stunning “Storm at Sea” quilt. Choose between a lap size, which also looks great on a wall or table, and a larger picnic or bed version.
This is a fun design to play with as you can change the look by varying color and value placement. In the process, you’re creating the illusion of curves by piecing straight seams.
Prints, solids and even reclaimed fabric work great in this quilt. The following version was made with black denim, khacki and corduroy from clothing purchased at the thrift store. Learn more about it here.
Other designs can be made simply by changing the color and value pattern. It will be fun to play and see what else can be created.
Instructions are provided by the designer, Deonn Stott from Quiltscapes, for the following sizes:
- 56″ x 56″
- 80″ x 80″