Make Yellowed Plastic Look New

Great for Sprucing up Vintage Machines!
Has your beloved older sewing machine turned a bit yellow and grungy over the years? Or, have you ever come across a free or inexpensive vintage machine, only to be turned off by plastic that has yellowed with age?
The yellowing does not indicate that there’s something wrong with the machine, or that it was cheaply made. It’s just that over time plastic can naturally yellow when exposed to light.
Fortunately, Kim at Go-Go Kim has discovered a way to make a yellowed machine look like new. Actually, the idea came from the The 8 bit guy on YouTube (click and watch the video to see how it works).
Kim tried the technique on an older sewing machine and was delighted when the machine was returned to its just-new good looks.
You’ll need the magic ingredient – Volume 30 Developer Creme (like this or this) – Saran wrap, brushes, gloves and the sun.
Kim started with the cover, then used Q-tips to work on smaller parts on the machine itself. She has three short videos toward the end of her article that explain her process. The videos seem to cut off mid-stream but are worth watching anyway.