Quilt Batting Demystified (Infographic)

Batting Can Make or Break Your Quilt So Choose Wisely!
Your quilt top is pieced – and looks amazing! – and now you’re ready to put the layers together. But first, you need to select the batting. Choose correctly, and your quilt will be all that you imagine. The wrong batting choice, however, can be disappointing for the entire life of your quilt. It pays to carefully consider your batting selection.
There are many variables that go into choosing batting. Do you want to show off the top (select a thin batting), or would you prefer to show off the quilting (thick is what you want)?
How will the quilt be used? Fiber content will greatly affect how the quilt looks after laundering and how well the batting holds up through frequent washings.
Will you be hand quilting or machine quilting? Your needle will move more easily through some fibers than others – an important consideration for hand quilting.
There are other variables, as well, but the most important ones are covered in the following infographic (scroll down) from the expert quilters at Fabric Depot (visit the article for more info).
Click here for a version suitable for printing and posting in your sewing room. You may also want a copy for your handbag so it’s handy while you’re shopping.
More great information can be found in this article from Craftsy.
Between the two you shouldn’t have any trouble choosing just the right batting for your gorgeous new quilt!