These Hexie Potholders Are Super Simple to Make

Easily Adjust the Size for Smaller Coasters or Larger Table Mats!
These charming hot pads are made in a surprising way. Fold and layer hexagons for a quick finish. There’s no piecing involved!
Select 7 fabrics that go well together and an eighth one that will be hidden (a great use for that ugly why-did-I-buy-this fabric sitting in your stash!).
While the instructions don’t include it, we’d add a layer of Insul-Bright batting (find it here) for more heat-proofing. Especially so if you’ll be using yours under under hot dishes or as pot holders.
A color variation produced in Photoshop.
The finished hexies are a generous 9 1/2″ across, large enough for hot pads and potholders. You can easily make them larger or smaller. Simply adjust the size of the beginning hexagon (here’s the template).
These are so easy to make. You can have several put together in just a few hours.
The tutorial for this clever project is from Elise at Enjoy It.