This Easy Method Removes Most Scorch Marks

It Works on 100% Cotton and Cotton/Poly Blends!
Sooner or later it happens to all of us. You’re pressing fabric or a block, adhering fusible applique shapes, or ironing a shirt or tablecloth and a scorch mark appears.
Don’t panic! In most cases, the scorch mark can be removed. While we’ve had good results removing minor scorching with a spritz of stain remover or a short soak in Dawn dishwashing liquid, there’s an easy method that works well on heavy scorching too.
You can usually make scorch marks on 100% cotton fabric disappear with 3% hydrogen peroxide. Watch how it’s done in the following video from Kelly Cline.
Click here to watch the video at YouTube if it doesn’t play on your device.
Note: Hydrogen Peroxide has a mild bleaching effect so test it on a scrap first and be sure to wash or rinse it out of the good fabric once the mark is removed.
A second video from Ironing Lab demonstrates a similar process for removing scorch marks from both a 100% cotton shirt and a shirt made from a cotton/poly blend (notice how the poly blend shirt distorts rather than burns).
While this method is a little more involved (adding safeguards), it works quite well to remove a heavy scorch mark on the 100% cotton shirt and the distortions in the poly blend shirt.
Click here to watch the video at YouTube if it doesn’t play on your device.
This method also works on wool and wool felt but be sure to test for bleaching on a scrap first.