This Portable Design Wall is So Easy to Make
It’s Inexpensive, Too!
Turn a folding tri-fold display board into a lightweight, portable design wall. It’s great for use in the sewing room and on the go.
The design wall can stand on its own with the sides folded back, or open it up and lean it against the wall for more design space.
Cover the board with fusible batting or fleece for a quick finish. Or, glue standard batting to the board.
Laura from Sew Very Easy shows you how to make the design board in the following video. You’ll love how quick and easy it is to complete.
Click here to watch the video at YouTube if it doesn’t play on your device.
Tri-fold display boards (look around as prices vary) are available at office supply, craft, and art stores, as well as Walmart and Target. They come in various sizes. Laura’s appears to be 27″ x 38″. Choose whatever size works best for you. Just make sure that you have fusible fleece or batting large enough to cover the surface on both sides without seams.