This Quiet Beauty is Perfect for a New Baby

More Vivid Colors Will be Lovely Too!
A beautiful combination of solid fabrics against a white background is so lovely in this crib quilt. We especially like the contrast provided by the polka dot backing.
The name of the quilt, “Indian Summer”, perfectly reflects the quilt’s quiet beauty.
“Scottish botanist, John Bradbury, noted for his travels in the US in the early 19th Century, is quoted saying this about the phenomenal Indian Summer weather pattern –
The air is perfectly quiescent and all is stillness, as if Nature, after her exertions during the Summer, were now at rest.“
Of course, this quilt will be wonderful in other colors and fabric styles too. Play with combinations until you find just the right one for your special version.
The quilt is fairly easy to stitch together. Half-square triangles and rectangular strips go together quickly.
Once completed, the quilt by Suzy from Suzy Quilts, is 36″ x 51″.