Transport Partially Pieced Tops without Creases

Save Time Once You Reach Your Destination!
Do you ever find yourself having to transport a partially pieced top, blocks, borders and other parts of a quilt in process? Perhaps you’re on your way to class, or attending a retreat.
Having to iron out wrinkles and creases from folded parts once you arrive can take up a lot of time. Fortunately, there’s an easy (and free!) solution.
A clever idea shared by Fons and Porter can eliminate most if not all of the creases. Simply wrap the parts around an empty cardboard like those used for bolts of fabric.
What if your quilt parts aren’t large enough to wrap? Insert them between larger pieces, or use a piece of muslin or such to form a base for wrapping up smaller pieces.
See how it works in the following video.
Click here to view the video at YouTube if it does not play on your device.