Turn a Dress Form Into a Charming Christmas Tree

There Are So Many Ways to Style Your Tree!
If you have an old dress form on hand you can easily turn it into a lovely holiday tree. This process will work even with mini decorator dress forms, although full sized forms make stunning displays.
Old dress forms can be found at thrift stores, flea markets and antique shops. Dress the form with a lovely top to go with the skirt you’ll create.
Chicken wire is used to support the skirt, which can be covered with actually tree branches. Or, use inexpensive tree-branch-looking garlands for an easier and longer lasting tree (look for garlands on sale after the holidays).
Image from Bored Panda.
Once the tree structure is in place, decorate it however you want. Lights, bulbs, garland and ribbons are natural choices. Or, make a pretty tree for the sewing room garnished with spools of thread, colorful tape measure garlands and other sewing supplies.
Image from Pinterest.
The skirt on your tree can be long or short, frosted or not, and shaped however you want. You’ll find many creative ideas here.
Amie-Sue shares her method for making a tree from a dress form on NouveauRaw.
Image from Mannequin Madness.