3 Ways to Fold Fat Quarters for Storage and Giving

Fold Them Just Like a Quilt Shop!
Whether you’re making your own fat quarters or have purchased some to give, these folding methods will help you both store them and present them nicely.
The first method is for folding fat quarters just like quilt shops do. That’s great to know when cutting your own fat quarters (learn how here).
Watch how it’s done in the following video from The Quilter’s Planner. If you prefer written instructions you’ll find them here, from Valli and Kim.
Click here to watch the video at YouTube if it doesn’t play on your device.
In the following video, from Me & My Sister, you’ll learn how to fold fat quarters into triangles and pretty tulip-shaped bundles.
Either will be lovely in the sewing room. Or, take a few minutes to refold fat quarters you plan to give into these pleasing shapes.
The tulip bundle require 8 fat quarters.
Image Source: The photo at the top of the page is from Hey Let’s Make Stuff.